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What You Shouldn’t Be Saying to Retiring Seniors


If your senior loved ones’ days are getting numbered, make the most of every opportunity to honor the person. Leave no room for future regrets! Pay tribute to your senior loved one in every way you could.

For one, honoring the person can be achieved through wise use of speech. You can resolve to become the most tactful loved one possible! Know the dos, and more so, the don’ts.

On the road to tactfulness, you can resort to never tell your senior these:

  • WORDS OF CRITICISMS. Keep your tongue from delivering words that will only criticize your senior’s personality, behavior, physical appearance, or anything else that belongs to him. Be more appreciative instead, employing words that flatter the heart. Don’t inject more injury by throwing words of insults and criticisms to them.
  • WORDS OF DISCOURAGEMENTS. Be careful not to make your senior loved ones feel more discouraged about their condition because of the insensitive thoughts you express. Also, be careful not to give them an impression that you are hurrying their departing. Tell them words that feed positivity instead.
  • WORDS OF HATE. The stage of your senior loved ones’ life now is the best time for you to let go of any grudges or disappointments you may have had in the past. Resolve to forgive them from any hurtful experience you’ve shared, and speak words of love rather than hate. Let go of anything that limits your total commitment to love and care for your loved ones. If you’ve had several bad memories, don’t bring them up just to use them against the person and provoke guilt. Resolve to be more affectionate and generous with words that are edifying to hear.
  • WORDS OF DISGUST. Watch out to never making your loved ones too awkward or embarrassed about their situation. Speak words that help your senior loved ones feel more comfortable having you around. Don’t allow them to feel intimidated around you, or frightened, or too conscious, or degraded because of words and expressions that show disgust.

Words make up or break up a person.Tactful words are therapeutic while a foolish tongue only inflicts injury. As a way of honoring the seniors who are nearing their finish line, show extra caution and care with every word you release.

Hand in Hand Home Care Solutions, Home Care in Florida can assist seniors in their final walks of life. Understanding their health changes, we are flexible enough to come up with fitting services for their condition. Try us and see the difference we make from all other Home Care Services. Call us today at 407-335-4676.
