As many of our aging loved ones choose to receive healthcare services at home, it is imperative that we make their primary environment conducive for their recovery and overall well being. Here are some easy tips on how you can ensure the safety of your elders at home:
Keep the home tidy everyday
As simple yet very crucial component in your elder’s recovery is the cleanliness and orderliness of their surroundings. Make sure the house is well-ventilated, free from dust and no unnecessary materials are left scattered on the floor. Since some of elderly loved ones start to experience visual and mobility problems, make sure that all stair cases have good lighting and should have a non-slip surface.
Keep Emergency Numbers Visible
Although we can be certain that home-care services are conducted by well-trained individuals in responding to emergency situations, it is important that we take an active role in creating preventive measures that could greatly benefit our loved ones at home. Aside from posting important emergency numbers in accessible areas at home, prepare a personal emergency response system. This will definitely make it easy for your loved ones and caregivers to ask for help during emergencies such as fire, earthquake and robbery.
Prevent Poisoning
Always store hazardous items in separate cabinets. It is also important to keep all chemicals at home well-labeled. This will prevent our elders and children from consuming poisonous substances. Keep pills and medicines in their proper containers and have them stored separately from other items. Lastly, never transfer pesticides or other household chemical products to non-labeled containers.
Avoid Bathroom Hazards
Keeping your house elder-friendly includes establishing bath safety measures to prevent them from falls and slips. One tip is to install anchor grabs in and around the shower and toilet. Make sure that you test the durability of the equipment to ensure safety. Placing non-skid mats on the floor can also help lessen the risk of injuries such as slips so your loved ones can take care of their personal business comfortably. However, bear in mind that it is a lot safer that you extend maximum assistance to your elderly loved ones when inside the bathroom or in any place at home.
If you need professional healthcare assistance at the comfort of your homes, talk to us! We at Hand in Hand Home Care Solutions, a home care in Florida, are composed of well-trained staff that will make everyday life more manageable for you and your elderly loved ones. Call us at 407-335-4676 and get started with care right away.